3 year old Arthur Bristow standing next to Model aquaduct made with York Handmade Mini Bricks at Gateshead Garden Festival 1990
Chicken cooking in the Brick
Chicken Brick
Chicken Clay Egg Basket
Salt pigs. Two sizes and blue glazed
Pizza Baker
Herb Labels Set of 8 or individual. Also Individually packaged with seeds and pot.
Wine Cooler Hexagon. Wine coolers in shops are round
Garlic Grater Also suitable for grinding of chocolate, nutmeg etc
Garlic Pot
Pestle and Mortar. Available in two sizes
Terracotta Egg Racks in 6 and 12 egg sizes plus glazed
Terracotta Balustrading desk in The ClayClay Shop
0,7m High Clay Finials from Acer Reclamation, Ryde. £150